The book is available in bookstores and on hoepli.it.
The text is a guide of how brands can move from being the villains to society changing heroes! The lens is on the practices that happen “backstage”. We are often used to evaluate brands on the basis of what they say or do in terms of corporate social responsibility, of products they advertise and sell on the market and sometimes for the communication efficiency of their CEO. However, true and long-lasting brand reputation, starts backstage. The unseen initiatives are those who make a brand great: buying products made in facilities that are free from child labor, reduce pollution, develop sustainable designs so that products can be reused after the end of their lifecycle, prevent future crises, talk transparently with customers and activists. Everything is explained in this book, that also sees 90 interviews, 2 market researches and many real stories of companies who worked hard to be better.
“Drawing” conclusions
Press release
Book review
Article published on the magazine “Il Mondo”
General information
Publisher: HOEPLI
Series: Marketing and management
Publication date: 06/2011
Number of pages: 319
Price: € 22,00
ISBN-13: 9788820348670
ISBN: 8820348675