

The first part of the book (MIND) traces the context of reference in which trademarks develop and how a trademark becomes a brand. The second part (BODY) brings us in the place of interaction between brands and their interlocutors. This is followed by a presentation of the main knowledge structures, anticipated by a presentation of the figure of devotion (a brand’s parents). The third and last part (HEART) is dedicated to the new Asian frontier, looking for a greater knowledge of the Chinese market passing through four elements: counterfeiting, copyrighting, the role of European and American distribution chains and the creativity of Chinese people.

Some testimonials

“Mineral waters are not all the same and the value of the brand constitutes a significant element of differentiation. In new markets it allows us to drop entry barriers. Therefore the Nestlè branding strategy focuses on the distinctive personalities of its brands.” – Carlo Donati, CEO Nestlé Waters, Paris

“I am too obstinate to believe marketing “experts” when they told us Road Rippers was just an unattainable dream and that I should have counted on licensing other people’s brands. After 10 years of efforta and unidirectional investments in favour of our core brand, Road Rippers has become one of the most important names in the automotive and industrial vehicles for children industries. Our brand works well using the same, old and simple formula: design, quality, brand value and mostly passion. It is imperative to invest in your own brand and believe in it without reserve.” – Simon Cheng, founder and president, Toy State International Ltd., Hong Kong

“I made a resolution to create a range of products each of which is chines in spirit and body. Since their birth in this way a brand will start to develop. We do not build brands, we build products that themselves make a brand. A brand lives or dies according to its own products.” – David Tang Wing-Cheung, founder, Shanghai Tang, Hong Kong

“Companies can choose to adopt an approach oriented to products, with different trademarks for each one of them…or a more rigid orientation, using the same brand for every product. We have chosen the middle way developing sub-brands…our Oyster Funds are a good example: since they are sold to other banks, we imagined we would have stood in the way of their growth imposing our bank’s name. In everything we do, from visual identity, to media relation, we clearly highlight their belonging to the family SYZ&CO.” – Eric Syz, founder of Syz Bank (Geneva) together with Alfredo Piacentini and Paolo Luban

Press release
Press release – Hoepli
Articles and significant reviews:
Article published on “Finanza&Mercati”
Article published on “Finanza&Mercati”
Article published on “LaRegione”
Supplement with the best branding campaigns of famous brands

General information:
Publisher: HOEPLI
Series: Marketing and management
Publication: 07/2007
Number of pages: XVI-208
Price: € 25,00
ISBN-13: 9788820339388
ISBN: 8820339382

Introduction by Manvinder Singh (Vindi) Banga, President Foods Unilever